// source --> https://roundandroundrosie.com/wp-content/plugins/commentluv/js/commentluv.js?ver=3.0.2 // commentluv 2.94.8 jQuery(document).ready(function () { // get the form object and fields var formObj = jQuery('#cl_post_title').parents('form'); var urlObj = cl_settings['urlObj'] = jQuery("input[name='" + cl_settings['url'] + "']", formObj); var comObj = cl_settings['comObj'] = jQuery("textarea[name='" + cl_settings['comment'] + "']", formObj); var autObj = jQuery("input[name='" + cl_settings['name'] + "']", formObj); var emaObj = jQuery("input[name='" + cl_settings['email'] + "']", formObj); // setup localized object with temporary vars cl_settings['url_value'] = urlObj.val(); cl_settings['fired'] = 'no'; // set event listener for textarea focus comObj.focus(cl_dostuff); // set event listener for url blur urlObj.blur(cl_dostuff); // set the event listener for the click of the checkbox jQuery('#doluv').click(function () { jQuery('#lastposts').hide(); if (jQuery(this).is(":checked")) { // was unchecked, now is checked jQuery('#mylastpost').fadeTo("fast", 1); cl_settings['fired'] = 'no'; cl_dostuff(); } else { // was checked, user unchecked it so empty hidden fields in form jQuery('input[name="cl_post_title"]').val(""); jQuery('input[name="cl_post_url"]').val(""); jQuery('#mylastpost').fadeTo("slow", 0.3); jQuery('#lastposts').empty(); } }); // click event for last blog post link jQuery('.cluv a').click(function () { var data = jQuery(this).attr('class').split(' '); // store click count cl_try_ajax({ type: 'POST', data: { 'action': 'cl_ajax', 'cid': data[1], '_ajax_nonce': data[0], 'cl_prem': jQuery(this).hasClass('p'), 'url': jQuery(this).attr('href'), 'do': 'click' } }); jQuery(this).attr('target', '_blank'); return true; }); // hover event on heart if (cl_settings['infopanel'] == "on") { jQuery('.heart_tip_box').mouseenter(heart_big); } // hide/show showmore jQuery(document.body).click(function () { if (cl_settings['lastposts'] == 'showing') { jQuery('#lastposts').slideUp('', function () { cl_settings['lastposts'] = 'not' }); } }); jQuery('#showmorespan img').click(function () { if (cl_settings['lastposts'] == 'not') { jQuery('#lastposts').slideDown('', function () { cl_settings['lastposts'] = 'showing' }); } }); // clear hidden inputs on load jQuery('#cl_post_title,#cl_post_url,#cl_prem').val(''); // set click on anywhere closes info box jQuery(document).click(heart_small); // add info panel to page jQuery("body").append(''); // hover over to see raw file wrapper open jQuery('#commentluv').on('mouseover', '.rawfilewrap', function () { jQuery('.rawfile').show(); }); jQuery('#commentluv').on('mouseout', '.rawfilewrap', function () { jQuery('.rawfile').hide(); }); }); /** * checks everything is in place for doing stuff * returns string 'ok' if, um, ok */ function cl_docheck() { // checkbox check if (!jQuery('#doluv').is(':checked')) { return 'not checked'; } var url = cl_settings['urlObj']; var msg = jQuery('#cl_messages'); msg.hide(); url.removeClass('cl_error'); // logged in user? var nourlmessage = cl_settings['no_url_message']; if (cl_settings['logged_in'] == '1') { nourlmessage = cl_settings['no_url_logged_in_message']; } else { // check if fb connect is active if (!cl_settings['urlObj'].is(':visible') && typeof FB != 'undefined') { var invisurl = cl_settings['urlObj'].remove(); var invismsg = msg.remove(); cl_settings['comObj'].after('
').after(invismsg); jQuery('#invisurl').append('URL ').after(invisurl).append(''); } } // check that there is a value in the url field if (url.val().length > 1) { var urlLower = url.val().toLowerCase(); // is value just http:// ? if (urlLower == 'http://' || urlLower == 'https://') { url.addClass('cl_error'); cl_message(nourlmessage); return; } // is the http:// missing? if (urlLower.substring(0, 7) != 'http://' && urlLower.substring(0, 8) != 'https://') { url.addClass('cl_error'); cl_message(cl_settings['no_http_message']); return; } } else { // there is no value url.addClass('cl_error'); cl_message(nourlmessage); return; } // if we are here, all is cool mon return 'ok'; } /** * tries various methods to get request through to admin-ajax url */ function cl_try_ajax(args) { args.origError = args.origError || args.error || function () { }; args.lastError = args.lastError || undefined; args.url = args.url || cl_settings['api_url']; if (window.location.protocol === 'https:' && args.url.indexOf('http:') === 0) { // we were trying to ajax http://, but our current window is https://, so backend would likely also be https:// // an https to http ajax request is impossible based on CORS spec args.url = args.url.replace(/^http:/, 'https:'); } if (args.lastError !== undefined && args.url === args.lastUrl) { return args.origError(args.lastError.x, args.lastError.e); } args.error = function (x, e) { args.lastError = {x: x, e: e}; args.lastUrl = args.url; args.url = cl_settings['api_url_alt'] || cl_settings['api_url']; // try again cl_try_ajax(args); }; return jQuery.ajax(args); }; /** * tries to fetch last blog posts for a url */ function cl_dostuff() { if (cl_docheck() != 'ok') { return; } var msg = jQuery('#cl_messages'); var url = cl_settings['urlObj']; if (cl_settings['fired'] == 'yes') { // already fired, fire again if current url is different to last fired if (url.val() == cl_settings['url_value']) { msg.show(); return; } jQuery('#lastposts,#mylastpost').empty(); } // fire the request to admin msg.append('').show(); cl_try_ajax({ type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: {'url': url.val(), 'action': 'cl_ajax', 'do': 'fetch', '_ajax_nonce': cl_settings._fetch}, success: function (data) { if (data.error == '') { // no error, fill up lastposts div with items returned msg.empty().hide(); jQuery.each(data.items, function (j, item) { var title = item.title; var link = item.link; var count = ''; jQuery('#lastposts').append('' + title + ''); }); // setup first link and hidden fields jQuery('#mylastpost').html(' ' + data.items[0]['title'] + '').fadeIn(1000); jQuery('#cl_post_title').val(data.items[0].title); jQuery('#cl_post_url').val(data.items[0].link); jQuery('#cl_prem').val(data.items[0].p); // setup look and show dropdown jQuery('span.message').css({'backgroundColor': '#efefef', 'color': 'black'}); jQuery('#showmorespan img').show(); if (cl_settings['comObj'].width() > jQuery('#commentluv').width()) { var dropdownwidth = jQuery('#commentluv').width(); } else { var dropdownwidth = jQuery(cl_settings['comObj']).width(); } jQuery('#lastposts').css('width', dropdownwidth).slideDown('', function () { cl_settings['lastposts'] = 'showing' }); // bind click action jQuery('.choosepost:not(.message)').click(function () { jQuery('#cl_post_title').val(jQuery(this).text()); jQuery('#cl_post_url').val(jQuery(this).attr('id')); jQuery('#mylastpost').html(' ' + jQuery(this).text() + '').fadeIn(1000); }); } else { if (typeof(data.rawfile) == 'undefined') { data.rawfile = 'no raw data sent back'; } cl_message(data.error, data.rawfile); } }, error: function (x, e) { msg.find('img').remove(); if (x.status == 0) { if (cl_settings['api_url'].indexOf('https') == 0) { cl_message('This blog has set the api url to use https, the commentluv technical settings need to be changed for the API url to use http'); } else { cl_message('It appears that you are offline or another error occured contacting the API url, have you set it to use www or missed the www off the api url?? check the technical settings and add or remove www from the api url.'); } } else if (x.status == 404) { cl_message('API URL not found.'); } else if (x.status == 500) { cl_message('Internal Server Error.' + x.responseText); } else if (e == 'parsererror') { cl_message('Error.\nParsing JSON Request failed.' + x.responseText); } else if (e == 'timeout') { cl_message('Request Time out.'); } else { cl_message('Unknown Error. ' + x.statusText + ' ' + x.responseText); } } }); // save what url used and that we checked already cl_settings['fired'] = 'yes'; cl_settings['url_value'] = url.val(); } /** * adds a message to tell the user something in the cl_message div and then slides it down * @param string message - the message to show */ function cl_message(message, rawfile) { jQuery('#cl_messages').empty().hide().html(message).slideDown(); if (typeof(rawfile) != 'undefined') { jQuery('#cl_messages').append('

Hover your mouse here to see the data that CommentLuv got back from your site..
If you see a warning or other error message then that might help you locate the problem (maybe another plugin is spitting out an error?)

' + rawfile + '
'); } } function heart_big(e) { // get url and data from link linkspan = jQuery(this).parents(".cluv"); var link = jQuery(linkspan).find("a:first").attr("href"); var linkdata = jQuery('img', this).attr('class').split(' '); // prepare call to admin var data = { 'action': 'cl_ajax', 'cid': linkdata[2], 'cl_prem': linkdata[1], 'link': link, 'do': 'info', '_ajax_nonce': cl_settings._info }; cl_prem = linkdata[1]; // set up position var position = jQuery(this).offset(); var windowwidth = jQuery(window).width(); windowheight = jQuery(window).height(); var xpos = position.left; ypos = position.top; if (xpos + 350 > windowwidth) { xpos = windowwidth - 370; if (xpos < 0) xpos = 0; } // setup panel and show with loading background image jQuery('#heart_tip_big').empty().css({'left': xpos + "px", 'top': ypos + "px"}); jQuery('#heart_tip_big').css("width", "350px"); jQuery('#heart_tip_big').addClass("finalbig").show().addClass('cl_ajax'); // has this been shown before on this page? if (typeof cl_settings[linkdata[2]] != 'undefined') { fill_panel(cl_settings[linkdata[2]]); return; } // execute call to admin cl_try_ajax({ type: 'post', data: data, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { if (typeof(data) == 'object' && jQuery('#heart_tip_big').is(':visible')) { // acceptable response, populate panel cl_settings[linkdata[2]] = data.panel; fill_panel(data.panel); } else { jQuery('#heart_tip_big').removeClass('cl_ajax').html(cl_settings['no_info_message']); } jQuery('#heart_tip_big').mouseleave(heart_small); } }); } function fill_panel(html) { jQuery('#heart_tip_big').removeClass('cl_ajax').html(html).show(); if (cl_prem == 'p') { jQuery('#heart_tip_big p.cl_title').css('backgroundColor', cl_settings['infoback']); } // move panel if it extends below window var ely = ypos - jQuery(document).scrollTop(); var poph = jQuery('#heart_tip_big').height() + 20; if (ely + poph > windowheight) { var invis = poph - (windowheight - ely); ypos -= invis; if (ypos < 0) ypos = 0; jQuery('#heart_tip_big').css('top', ypos); } return; } function heart_small() { if (!jQuery('body').find('.cl_ajax').is(':visible')) { jQuery("body").find("#heart_tip_big").empty().hide(); } } function do_nowt() { return; }; // source --> https://roundandroundrosie.com/wp-content/plugins/accesspress-social-icons/js/frontend.js?ver=1.7.2 (function ($) { $(function () { $('.aps-each-icon').hover(function(){ var animation_class = $(this).find('.animated').attr('data-animation-class'); if(animation_class!=='none') { $(this).find('.animated').addClass(animation_class); } },function(){ var animation_class = $(this).find('.animated').attr('data-animation-class'); if(animation_class!=='none') { $(this).find('.animated').removeClass(animation_class); } }); $('.aps-social-icon-wrapper .aps-each-icon[data-aps-tooltip-enabled="1"]').each(function(i,el){ var $this=$(el); var toolTipText=$this.attr("data-aps-tooltip"); var toolTipBg=$this.attr("data-aps-tooltip-bg"); var toolTipTextColor=$this.attr("data-aps-tooltip-color"); var $toolTipHolder=$this.find('.aps-icon-tooltip'); $toolTipHolder.text(toolTipText).css({'background-color':toolTipBg,'color':toolTipTextColor,'margin-top':'-'+($toolTipHolder.outerHeight()/2)+'px','margin-left':'-'+($toolTipHolder.outerWidth()/2)+'px'}); $this.hover(function(){ $toolTipHolder.stop().fadeIn(); },function(){ $toolTipHolder.stop().fadeOut(); }) }); $('.aps-social-icon-wrapper .aps-group-vertical').each(function(){ var widthArray=new Array(); $(this).find('img').each(function(i,el){ var margin=$(el).parents('.aps-each-icon').css('marginLeft').replace('px',''); var itemWidth = parseInt(($(el).width())+(2*margin)); widthArray.push(itemWidth); }); widthArray.max=function(){ return Math.max.apply(Math,this); } $(this).width(widthArray.max()); }); }); }(jQuery));